FFW Spotlight
Rhonda Dargie
Have you ever thought "I can’t do CrossFit" or even exercise for that matter? Did you make excuses like "I take too many meds", "I’m too overweight", or "I'm too old"? You can fill in your reason. Let us introduce you to Rhonda Dargie, a member of FFW CrossFit since December, that has been attending class 2-3 times a week. Read how CrossFit has helped her in her life in her own words.
My first thought of CrossFit was there is no way I could ever do that. I am 55 years old, my daughter Steph kept telling me I could do it, so in November (2017) on Wednesday's they had bring a friend, the first couple of times she asked me to go I would come up with excuses. On the last Wednesday I finally went. I was really surprised at how there are modifications for everything. Instead of burpees or push-ups I do push-ups off of the wall; when double unders are in the work out, I do step ups on a weight plate at a good pace; when there are front squats, I use a kettle bell instead of the barbell; and for pull ups, I do ring rows. When I first started, I used a PVC pipe instead of a barbell to learn the movements and then moved to the lighter bar. I have used the heavier bar a few times, and I have started adding weight to the barbell. I have improved in every aspect of my life. I have more energy, I can do things now that I couldn't do 1 year ago. I can walk and not be in pain due to feet issues, whereas, a year ago I could barely make it through the grocery store. I went to Indy with my family in March, we were gone all day and I was able to keep up with everyone and not have any issues. I was able to go up and down steps that before were a real problem because I had lost a lot of muscle strength. CrossFit has helped me gain that strength and have a better quality of life, even riding my bike has become so much easier. My husband tells me on a daily basis how proud of me he is and how impressed he is with how much I have improved. My daughter is my inspiration, she helps me a lot. All of the trainers are very understanding and helpful with explaining the workout and showing the moves.
I started going to Indiana Medical Weight Loss Center and under the guidance of Dr. Stacy Braff, a fellow CrossFitter, I started losing weight. I have lost 45 lbs., I have lost a lot of inches, my body composition that was done recently showed that I have gained 3.6 lbs. of muscle and I have lost 40.6 lbs. of actual fat.
CrossFit is not about the top 1% you see on TV at the CrossFit Games, or see on social media. Those elite athletes are no different than NBA, NHL, MLB, NFL, etc. Very few of us go on to play professional sports, but that does not stop us from playing recreational sports for the pure joy of it. Using CrossFit as away to be healthier, and get in shape is no different. We do it for fun. We do it to relieve stress. We do to it to have a better quality of life that can be maintained and enjoyed as we age. Congratulations to Rhonda. Hard work truly pays off. So, what’s your motivation or inspiration?
#crossfit #ffwcrossfit #forgedbyfamily
#whatsyourplantoimproveyourfitness #lessmeds
FFW Spotlight
Michael Johnson
What’s your passion, and what is your game plan to make sure you can continue to enjoy it well into the future? Here is this month’s Spotlight Athlete 74 year old Michael Johnson and his story.
I have always been active. Growing up on a farm and participating in Boy Scouts as a kid, hard work and a love of the outdoors were second nature to me. Hiking became a life-long passion which Vickie and I have shared from the beginning, often finding trails to hike wherever we found ourselves. But we were soon attracted to the rugged landscape of the desert southwest and the adventure of discovering remote Anasazi ruins and rock art.
While I also became an avid runner in the 1970s and completed several marathons, hiking and backpacking remained my passion. Being in good health, I worked until age 70 and then focused more on our beloved hiking trips to the desert. The first year of retirement went as expected with two hiking trips to Utah and one to New Mexico. Life was good! The second year of retirement (2015) brought a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat, which slowed my hiking considerably but was somewhat controlled with medications. But in January 2016 I suffered a mild stroke while on the treadmill at the gym. This was a game-changer! My weight shot up to 216 pounds and I was also diagnosed with pre-diabetes.
My AFib, and the added weight, were having a very detrimental effect on my hiking ability which caused me to feel hopeless and depressed. In 2017, I decided to get serious about losing weight and to undergo corrective heart surgery. My granddaughter, Avery, is an accomplished aerialist and uses CrossFit for her strength training. So at the suggestion of our son, Josh, I began CrossFit Box 101 with Chuck Powell at FFW CrossFit in June 2017. In October 2017, I underwent a pulmonary vein ablation which corrected my AFib. Since my stroke I have lost 47 pounds and have greatly increased my strength, balance, and mobility. I participated in the 2018 CrossFit Open, and I no longer take meds for diabetes. More importantly, with Vickie now joining in, we have gained a much healthier lifestyle and countless friends who love and encourage us every day. It is no exaggeration to say that CrossFit has saved my life. Thanks to all the trainers and all our fellow athletes at FFW CrossFit.
We are so proud to be a small part of Michael and Vicky’s fitness journey. To learn more on how FFW CrossFit can help you lead a healthier, fuller life, visit us at ffwcrossfit.com or stop in anytime for a free class.
FFW Spotlight
Kaylynn Hooker
When our Spotlight Athlete of the month, Kaylynn Hooker, started CrossFit you would barely know she was in the box. Quiet and reserved she would come to class, put in her time, and quietly leave. Fast forward three years. She still doesn’t talk up the room but her work ethic, and drive speak volumes. Here is Kaylynn's CrossFit experience in her words.
CrossFit has been a game changer for me. I picked up CrossFit after hitting a plateau in my weight loss journey. I was encouraged to give it a try on numerous occasions and I'm so glad I finally did! Since joining in 2015, I've lost pounds and inches and gained muscle and confidence.
CrossFit is more than a work out. It is my stress relief. My outlet. It holds many dear friends who I never would have met otherwise. It has taught me that strong is beautiful and the numbers on a scale do not matter. I have learned about self-love and practice it daily.
The comradery and atmosphere in the box is like no other. I love being pushed to my limits, only to find my limits have simultaneously lengthened. I love the feels after completing a tough WOD, the high fives from fellow athletes when there's a PR, and the cheers for the completion of a long workout.
As a teacher, I love that CrossFit has been introduced to students at my school. Boys are learning how to outlet anger and sadness in ways other than being self-destructive or violent towards others. Girls are learning self-love, how to be a successful tribe of young women who build up instead of tear down, strong is beautiful, and "skinny" doesn't matter.
CrossFit is so much more than the WOD. It is about relationships, crushing goals, snagging PRs, stepping out of comfort zones, getting stronger, and comradery.
I was recently asked by someone how to go about joining CrossFit. My response was short and simple - "Just join!" My only regret about joining is not joining sooner!
To learn more about FFW CrossFit visit us online at ffwcrossfit.com and follow us at
FFW CrossFit on Facebook and @ffwcrossfit on Instagram.
FFW Spotlight
Michael Johnson
What’s your passion, and what is your game plan to make sure you can continue to enjoy it well into the future? Here is this month’s Spotlight Athlete 74 year old Michael Johnson and his story.
I have always been active. Growing up on a farm and participating in Boy Scouts as a kid, hard work and a love of the outdoors were second nature to me. Hiking became a life-long passion which Vickie and I have shared from the beginning, often finding trails to hike wherever we found ourselves. But we were soon attracted to the rugged landscape of the desert southwest and the adventure of discovering remote Anasazi ruins and rock art.
While I also became an avid runner in the 1970s and completed several marathons, hiking and backpacking remained my passion. Being in good health, I worked until age 70 and then focused more on our beloved hiking trips to the desert. The first year of retirement went as expected with two hiking trips to Utah and one to New Mexico. Life was good! The second year of retirement (2015) brought a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat, which slowed my hiking considerably but was somewhat controlled with medications. But in January 2016 I suffered a mild stroke while on the treadmill at the gym. This was a game-changer! My weight shot up to 216 pounds and I was also diagnosed with pre-diabetes.
My AFib, and the added weight, were having a very detrimental effect on my hiking ability which caused me to feel hopeless and depressed. In 2017, I decided to get serious about losing weight and to undergo corrective heart surgery. My granddaughter, Avery, is an accomplished aerialist and uses CrossFit for her strength training. So at the suggestion of our son, Josh, I began CrossFit Box 101 with Chuck Powell at FFW CrossFit in June 2017. In October 2017, I underwent a pulmonary vein ablation which corrected my AFib. Since my stroke I have lost 47 pounds and have greatly increased my strength, balance, and mobility. I participated in the 2018 CrossFit Open, and I no longer take meds for diabetes. More importantly, with Vickie now joining in, we have gained a much healthier lifestyle and countless friends who love and encourage us every day. It is no exaggeration to say that CrossFit has saved my life. Thanks to all the trainers and all our fellow athletes at FFW CrossFit.
We are so proud to be a small part of Michael and Vicky’s fitness journey. To learn more on how FFW CrossFit can help you lead a healthier, fuller life, visit us at ffwcrossfit.com or stop in anytime for a free class.